Our residents enjoy bi-monthly themed dinner celebrations featuring specialty dishes, music and activities surrounding the main theme. We love to have fun and take ever opportunity that we can to celebrate life.
Additionally, our residents enjoy walking our beautiful lawns graced by many black locust, pine and apple trees and flowering lilacs. Summer months bring a source of pride and bounty for residents from their activity in our vegetable and flower gardens.
We also offer in house live musical entertainment on a regular basis.
Some of our residents enjoy getting out and socializing with family members, friends or at Elderly Services/Project Independence a day or two a week. Project Independence offers an occasional change of scenery, activities and a meal for those who may be interested and have a handicap accessible bus that offers round-trip service to the Villa.
Additionally, arrangements can be made for any individual or group of residents who express an interest in attending activities in nearby town/cities. There are many activity options available through Middlebury College’s art and sports centers, as well as through the Town Hall Theater, the movie house and local festivals and town activities.